written by Adina, Silver’s mother
At Silver’s two year physical her PCP told me she heard a “heart murmur” and referred her to a cardiologist. The first cardiologist we saw did an echo and all I was told was that she had an extra blood vessel. A few months later I was able to get Silver into Cook Children’s Cardiology. They were amazing! The doctor did another echo and then drew everything out for me so I understood exactly what was going on in detail. She had Left Superior Cava to Coronary Stenosis, Sinus Venosus Atrial Septal Defect, & Anomalous Veins.
Doctors were hopeful this wouldn’t be an issue as she grew. Unfortunately as she grew, so did the problems. The hole tripled in size by her next appointment and surgery was immediately scheduled. Dr. Tam at Cook’s Children’s performed her surgery and I am forever grateful to him. Immediately after surgery and that night in CICU were the hardest. She couldn’t keep anything down. After all of her tubes, oxygen and most ports were removed, she went to the cardiac floor but was still unable to keep anything down. For the first time in her life her O2 levels were at 100%!
Once removed from all pain meds she was trying to get out of bed (this was the first day after surgery). Day two, she was out of bed and participating in physical therapy with no complaints of pain. The doctors told me she was a miracle child and they had never seen anything like it. She was the strongest little girl and was able to go home on day three!
She has had some problems keeping up with her peers physically. Last fall she participated in her first run to help raise funds for her school. She not only completed the course but kept up with her classmates. Her cardiologist has released her to every other year check-ups. Though she be small she be fierce!!
Silver has been through so much in just her short six years of life, but she really is UNSTOPPABLE!!