Heart Hero of the Month
MARCH 2024
Story by, ❤️Mom Libbie

Zoey came to our home when she was two months old in August of 2021. Zoey had already been diagnosed with CHD, a Left Dominant Complete AV Canal, she had her first PA banding surgery when she was only a few months old and recovered well. Zoey was later diagnosed with KBG Syndrome which is a very rare syndrome, only about 100 people have been diagnosed.
Zoey had a 2nd surgery which was a Bilateral Glenn procedure, she was set to have a Fontan surgery when she was older. In 2023, Zoey went into heart failure which led to a Glenn takedown and a full repair. Zoey struggled greatly with recovery from this surgery and spent four months in the ICU at Vandy, with multiple failed extubations and infections, she underwent another heart cath. Zoey had her MPA ballooned, and thankfully we finally found her the right regimens. Zoey was then diagnosed with Lung Disease and thankfully she was able to get the right airway clearance set up and now she is home & doing well.

The plan for Zoey is that she will only need maintenance & heart Caths as she grows.
Zoey has suffered malnutrition and so many setbacks, but she continues to be the happiest and most outgoing little girl ever. Zoey is the definition of a Heart Hero.