Heart Hero of the Month
MAY 2024
Story by, ❤️Mom Darbi
Lucy is our rainbow baby. She was born on January 11, 2023, after her big brother, Mason, passed away in December of 2019.

We found out at 20 weeks gestation that Mason had Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome and a leaky mitral valve, so we were looking into possibly needing a heart transplant. He passed shortly after birth. We miss him every day but see him in both of his sisters.

Almost 3 years later, we were blessed with our Lucy girl. At Lucy’s high-risk 20-week gestation appointment we learned that she, too, had a heart defect. Lucy had a severe Inlet VSD & and an ASD in her right chamber. We later learned she’d also need a PDA ligation once she was to have surgery. Lucy spent 42 days in our local NICU and was transported to LeBonheur Children’s Hospital where she stayed until surgery.

On February 28, 2023, Lucy underwent open heart surgery. We had a few post-op complications, but she overcame them, and we were blessed to be able to bring her home for good on day 59! Lucy still has a few smaller holes that should close as she grows and continues with therapy today. Lucy is getting stronger. She is absolutely thriving! She is our happy, silly, Disney-loving, biscuit-eating girl!

Heart Heroes sent us a cape for our Lucy girl, and it serves as a reminder of what she’s accomplished to be where she is today! They also sent us one in remembrance of our Mason, which touched our hearts.
Entering the CHD Community isn’t something that anyone simply asks to come into, but it’s amazing to be a part of.
The love, support, and bravery of those who walk the same road as you are so important in learning to “survive” it. Our family is better because of it, and our faith in God continues to grow stronger and stronger. These heart babies fight with all they have and will grow up to learn of their bravery! What a blessing it is to be on the other side.